These vultures, as the name suggests, are common chiefly in the higher regions of the Himalayas, Kazakhstan, the Pamirs and on the Tibetan. In Pakistan they exist in Ayubia National Park, Chitral Gol National Park and high in the Himalayan range. Immature birds might though scatter more in the south and vagabonds have been recorded in Thailand, Burma, Singapore and Cambodia.
This species is more frequently referred as Himalayan Griffon Vulture (Gyps himalayensis) is an Old World vulture in the Accipitridae family. Intimately related to the European Griffon Vulture and once thought to be a subspecies of it, this species is one of the two largest old world vulture and the real and ultimate raptors.
This is an outsized vulture and is conceivably the largest and heaviest bird found in the Himalayas. Mature individuals have a ruff that is extended and pale brown with white lines. The upper side is plain buff, has a light blue facial fur, a yellowish bill and pinkish legs. The ruff feathers are elongated and thorny, the head is enclosed down and the legs are covered in feathers. Infants have pale parts to the bill. In flight the long fingers are splayed and there is a pale patagial band of color on the under wings. A field analysis expected an average of 20 lb for the Himalayan Vulture; however weights can vary with conditions from 18–26 lbs. The wingspan of birds varies very much depending on the technique used to measure them and in print measurements vary from 8.5 to 10 ft.
They are yet another victim of the disposed to toxicity persuaded by diclofenac, a drug whose deposits in household animal remains has possibly led to a decline in populations of other Gyps vultures from corner to corner in Asia. The Himalayan Griffon Vulture populations have though not given away signs of down fall although lessening of nesting birds have been renowned in a number of parts of its range in Nepal.