Cinereous Vulture

In Pakistan they are commonly found in Salt Range Wetlands Complex and meadows or the come migrating from higher altitudes. The vultures are a Eurasian species. The western confines of its range are in Spain and inland Portugal, with a reintroduced population in south France. They occur discontinuously to Greece, Turkey and right through the central Middle East. Their range continues through Pakistan and northern India to its eastern limits in central Asia, where they breed in northern China, Manchuria, Mongolia and Korea. Their range is disjointed particularly all over their European series.

It is usually a lasting resident apart from in those parts of its range where tough winters cause limited altitudinal progress and for young when they reach breeding prime of life. In the eastern limits of its range, birds from the northernmost reaches may migrate down to southern Korea, China and Pakistan. A restricted immigration has also been reported in the Middle East but is not common. This vulture is a bird of hilly, rocky areas, especially favor dried up semi-open habitats such as pasture at elevated altitudes over a great deal of the range. They are always associated with uninterrupted, remote areas with limited human disturbance. They hunt for carcasses over various kinds of terrain, including plain, grasslands, open woodlands, along riparian habitats or any kind of hilly habitat.
These species are a habitual winter visitor around the coastal areas of Pakistan in a group of few. As of the turn of the 21st century, the universal populace of Cinereous Vultures is anticipated at 4500-5000 individuals. Like other species, the Cinereous Vulture has declined over the majority of its range in the last 2 centuries in part because of the toxicity by the consumption of poisoned bait put out to slaughter dogs and other predators, and to higher cleanliness standards reducing the amount of available carrion; it is currently mentioned as Near Threatened. Vultures of all species, though not the aim of poisoning acts, may be gunshot on sight by locals. China and Russia are particularly home for the trapping and hunting of Cinereous Vultures.


Possibly an even greater threat to this desolation-loving species is expansion of human communities and habitat demolition. Nests, often fairly low in the main fork of a tree, are rather effortless to access and thus have been historically compromised by egg collectors regularly. The decline has been the greatest in the western half of the range, with extinction in many European countries (France, Italy, Austria, Poland, Slovakia, Albania, Moldovia, Romania) and its entire breeding range in northwest Africa (Morocco and Algeria). In the ex- USSR, it is still in jeopardy by illegal capture for zoos, and in Tibet by rodent killer drugs.

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